Health education is extremely important to motivate people to best care for their bodies. I have long had a passion for health that draws me to share my wealth of knowledge and experience with others to optimize their own health. For more than a decade I have been working with people in our community & teaching nutrition and cooking where I have noticed a common theme of people being overfed but undernourished. And I see that people are so confused about what to eat from hearing conflicting voices in the media and from health professionals, so they continue to struggle with chronic disease, or just plain not feeling well. I am passionate about teaching people how to make the right food choices to not only lower their cholesterol, but also prevent heart disease, lose weight, treat and prevent cancer and reduce or even reverse diabetes. I want to empower you to make food choices that will lead to optimal health. Let's set the record straight and do this together!
"I am so happy to have found this style of eating - I’m never hungry which is amazing plus the weight loss is a miracle plus I feel so good energy wise but sleep like a baby at night. My prayers have been answered by your way of eating!!!!!"
You are awesome!
Thank you,
Sue R.
Contact Tracy at 619-940-7648 to schedule an appointment.